Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Not Good

I'm beginning to get a little paranoid that my books are cursed.

I feel really bad that I'm releasing Two Become One at the same time poor Jade Goody is dying of cancer. One of the main characters Antonia also has long, protracted death from cancer, all lived out in the public eye. This was all written long before Jade was even diagnosed and the only thing I have in my favour is that I managed to capture the zeitgiest pretty accurately - how when such a public figure is dying that the press almost run a countdown to it and everyone waits with baited breath for 'the death' - as morbid as it seems. The difference being of course that Antonia Smedley is a fictional character and Jade is a real person and I wish her well in these dark days.

I've now discovered that Farrah Fawcett is also dying of cancer. A big deal is made in the book about Farrah being named after the ex-Charlie's Angel. So once again, death is stalking my work.

To try and absolve my guilt I've decided to donate 10% of all the profits I make from sales of Two Become One until 1st April, to the Teenage Cancer Trust.

Next on the list is Winner Takes All, the sequel to Summerset. I've been reading the draft copy I ordered via Lulu and have been really pleased with it. One of the storylines involves Sheridans being accused of being IRA sympathisers and there are long passages about how the Troubles are now over etc etc. Now what happens, rogue IRA cells are killing people in Northern Ireland and trouble is starting to rear its ugly head again.

Maybe someone somewhere is trying to tell me something. Perhaps I should start writing science fiction about fantastical things that will never happen.

Assuming I'm not some sort of witch and it's all coincidence, I have decided after completing the script for Summerset, I am going to tart up Teenage Kicks (reverting it back to its original name of Starmaker) and I'm going to give Createspace a go. See what they're like. Starmaker will be released under my pen name of K L Thompson because it's a crime novel and different from my usual stuff. A short passage from it (named as Teenage Kicks) can be found on lunchtime readers.

1 comment:

Author Kelly Moran said...

You shouldn't feel guilty. It's just a coincidence. But what a great idea and cause!