Sunday, 12 April 2009

Don’t judge a book by its cover

Britain’s Got Talent is back and I have to say I’m already hooked. This show to me, is a tribute to the human spirit. How it seems everyone thinks they had some sort of talent and it’s probably true. From my own point of view, my number one talent is obviously writing. But – and without blowing my own trumpet – I can also hold a tune, act and in my younger days, dance. So I think when I was younger and bolder, I would probably have auditioned for either BGT or the X-Factor.

People slag off these shows for stopping proper talent getting a chance of being spotted. But I disagree with that, as a writer, it annoys me that people like Katie Price and Kerry Katona get multi-million pound publishing deals to front a ghostwritten book, while people like me and thousands of other talented writers go un-discovered. Showbiz has always been like this, how many actors out there are the sons and daughters of famous performers? Fearne Cotton (she’s been famous for about 5 years and I’m still not sure why) is a distant relation of Billy Cotton, former head of the BBC. So how can it be deemed unfair that someone is made a star of, voted by the very public they will serve to entertain?

But the main focus of my blog today is Susan Boyle. For anyone who didn’t watch BGT, Susan is a plain, rather eccentric 48-year-old spinster who lives alone with her cat. Unemployed, she has been trying for years to make it as a singer, but has no doubt been ignored because of her looks. She is also the sort of person who becomes invisible in society. I bet half her neighbours don’t even know her name. But last night, she finally had her moment in the sun. When she took the stage to sing, everyone cringed, thinking her another nutty wannabe who thought she was Celine Dion. When she said she wanted to be as big as a Elaine Paige (clever as Elaine Paige is about 4’10!) the judges groaned. But when she opened her mouth, the most beautiful voice rang out and within moments, the theatre had come alive. People were rooting for this woman, realising that just because someone doesn’t look like Kylie Minogue or Madonna, it doesn’t mean they don’t have something to offer the world.

I’m not sure Susan can win the show. Last night’s episode was the first of many and I’m sure as week’s go by, other contestants will come along and wow us and by the time the semi finals start, Susan will just be another singer. But for now she’s got the nation talking. She’s exactly the sort of person we Brits like to follow - the underdog who’s been knocked all her life and finally has her chance to shine. What we need to remember is that the world is full of Susan Boyles. People we ignore or scorn because they don’t ‘fit in’. Perhaps we need to take time to get to know our neighbours and realise that within us all is a little light that shines and makes us special.