Monday, 26 January 2009

Belated Happy New Year!

Sorry sorry sorry for the delay in getting my new blog put up but since Christmas Eve I have been battling the most horrible flu that went away and came back and I honestly thought at one point it was going to kill me. Added to this I've also been amending Two Become One and preparing for my (failed) driving test.

Excuses over and time to get down to business. The first draft of the finished Two Become One is almost complete and I'll soon be seeing it in print for the first time. For those of you not familiar with the story it tells the tale of twin sisters Toni and Farrah who are separated shortly after birth; one grows up to become a supermodel who marries a billionaire publisher who becomes Mayor of London. Toni's beauty, flair for fashion and her loving and giving nature ensure that she becomes a Princess Di type character who is adored by millions. Farrah is equally beautiful but she is also spoilt, selfish and rebellious. As a teenager she embarks on an affair with a much older man - a senior policeman, who dumps her and thus giving her a ferocious hatred of the law. She ends up marrying a gangster and becomes rich by running several lap dancing clubs. The two women don't know of the others existence until Toni is diagnosed with terminal cancer and her mother reveals the truth about her identity. Her final wish is to find Farrah. Do they meet and if so, will Farrah be able to cope with being the newly found sister of 'Saint Antonia' as well as getting her revenge on the man who killed her husband?
It's been a fun novel to write and I'm hoping people enjoy reading it. My next one later this year will be the sequel to Summerset so it's all go.

I've also decided to adapt Summerset for film or TV. I'm currently looking for a screenwriter who's willing to work for nothing but will get a co credit.If anyone's interested, drop me a line.

2008 was a great year for establishing myself as a writer but 2009 will be the year I have to prove myself and I'm excited about what opportunities it might bring.

Ciao for now